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may i ask what font are you using

yeah, it's nokiafc22




Really cool game, I actually know Archvale and a big fan of it. This game is really similar which is cool. By the way I need help making the sword swing, could you possibly help me? I am using Unity by the way.


(2 edits)

Thanks! Of course i can help you with it. I'm using 2 pivots for the sword - one for rotation for sword itself and other for rotation around the character. The one that is rotation for sword is a child of the pivot for rotation around character. Then i simply created two animations for left and right swing. And made a script to play right swing when last swing was left etc. Also there is another pivot for rotation around character, so that previous pivot, which rotates around player, is a child of this one. And other script that rotates this pivot where mouse goes! It's a bit hard to explain, but i hope you got it! Write back if u have any problems.

Thanks! Got it clear :D


First of all, incredible entry! I just saw it on Jupiter Hadley YT channel and instantly thought about Archvale, do you know this game? It may interest you :) It's fascinating to see something this polished in only 10 days. Hope you have fun doing more game dev in the future ;)

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks! Of course I know this game - Archvale! it inspired me to do something myself. That's why it looks so similar to it ;) And, actually, I did not make it in 10 days, it took a lot more time to be honest, and i think, that you can clearly see that there's too much for 10 days in this game.

very good)!

Thanks ;)

Deleted 1 year ago

Actually, it is done now and i've lost most of interest in creating it.

Deleted 1 year ago

Thanks ;)

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

Thanks for the reply. Can you explain where and when it happens?

Deleted 1 year ago

I've tested it and, sadly,  didn't find any errors. Maybe there's something else important, that could cause this bug?

Wait a minute. This time it worked! Thank you so much for reporting this bug!

constructional criticism: dont make inventory and interact the same key

Thank you for the reply! I will think about it.